My philosophies in life (go back »)

October 11 2008, 6:22 AM

In my life, I met a lot of people. Some of them mean something and others will always be special. They are the one who give meaning and inspiration for me to go on to what I’ve started, my own journey.  As I walk, I discovered why life is the greatest gift given by God. I may sometimes lost, leave by others, stopped and don’t know how to keep on going but I learned that those experiences made me a better person because the next time I’m going to experience the same situation, this time I know what to do and prepared to face it. Experience, after all, is the best way to learn.

My viewpoint in life is that it is me who deals with it so I have to deal it nicely. No matter how huge my problems are if I think positive over it, it will come out positive. “The Secret” by Rhonda Byne taught me the power of my mind, my thoughts become things. The great secret of life is the law of attraction. Also the article “Something to think about” tells me the persistence of attaining goal by choice.

March is just a month for others but a treasure of memories for me. It was March when God gave me to my parents and it was March when God took away someone so special to me. I can never forget the exact dates; March 3, 2008 when I last saw him and it was unexpected. We enjoyed the moment given to us not knowing it was the last. It was March 4 when he said that he was so happy and excited for my debut. It was March 5 when he called me with a sad voice that he can’t go because there is conflict but he said to try his best for me. March 8, he is going to practice for the cotillion but he didn’t make it. Accident happened when they were going home, unable to contact me because when I’m about to text him, I lost my cell phone. It was too late when I texted him and it was too late to know that after I’ve wounded his heart and the time passed, I never expected that he still loves me. It’s too late to know that I love him too. I’m just waiting for the right time but the time now is not enough for us.

I believe that everything that happened have its own purpose. God will never give me burden if I can’t carry it. I am amazed on how well He planned the situation, there are a lot of people and emotions involved. Anger for someone whom I thought will be there in times of my difficulty believing that he is much better than others and believing that he loves me. Sad for what happened because no matter what will I do, I can never have him back and contented because I still have my family and friends and his memories will stay with me forever. I realized that if his father was slowly able to recover knowing the fact that he is the only one left in their family and much more I am. It only takes time and acceptance of reality. “Gaining through losing” showed me how death can be, not loss, but gain for both the one dying and the ones left behind. “I asked God for strength that I might achieve, I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey. I asked for health that I might do greater things, I was given infirmity that I might do better things. I asked for all things that I might enjoy life, I was given life to enjoy all things”--- those are words which made me think that to lose is to gain.

 There are things happened to me at the time that are horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection I realize that without overcoming those obstacles I  would never realize my  potentials and strengths. I may have difficulty in hearing but because I accept it full heartedly, I am not affected with how people look at me. As long as I do nothing wrong to them and as long as I can sleep well at night, I don’t bather.

After all that I have been through, my life is for God, the very reason why we are in this world, to test our loyalty and love to Him. Even though I have a lot of sins, I believe it’s not too late because I’m still alive.


In All about her


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  • 18 years old


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